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Protezioni e licenze su misura

Fonte: Automazione Plus, pagg. 82 (19 marzo 2024)

Identità digitali affidabili


pagg. 158-161 italiano, 162-163 inglese (15 marzo 2024)

Swissbit at the embedded world 2024

German only

Source: Initiative Mittelstand (29 February 2024)

Obfuscate the C/C++ code

German only

Source: elektroniknet.de, page 39 (14 December 2023)

Software protection and licensing solution

German only

Source: elektroniknet.de, page 15 (12 December 2023)

Spare parts come from the 3D printer at MAN

German only

Source: K-Zeitung (28 November 2023)

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